Tuition and Fees
Cost is one of the major reasons cited by those wanting to further their education and being unable to do so. Loans and grants are available to you to help you on your way to obtaining the education you desire and the career you have always dreamed of having.
Applying for financial aid shouldn’t get in the way of your education. At Warner Pacific University, we are here to help you and get you on your way to achieving your goals. For information about the full cost of attending WPU for an academic year (Financial Aid Budget), please see the Cost of Attendance page.
We are here to help answer all of your questions about financial aid and the student loan process with easy step-by-step instructions. Don’t allow a lack of funds get in the way of achieving all your goals
Questions? Call Student Financial Services at 503.517.1091 or email.
University Costs
2025-26 Tuition and Fees – Traditional Semester Programs
2025-26 Tuition and Fees – Professional Graduate Programs
2024-25 Tuition and Fees – Traditional Semester Programs
2024-25 Tuition and Fees – Professional Graduate Programs
Traditional Semester Program Payment Policies
Outstanding Student Account Balances
Failure to meet arranged payment plan terms may result in plan termination. Delinquent monthly accounts and any deferred payment arrangements incur service charges. Continuous nonpayment may result in an administrative withdrawal from enrollment and may prohibit the student from registering in subsequent semesters until such obligations are satisfied. Diplomas are not released to any student until their student account balance is zero. In addition to withholding diplomas until all university expenses are satisfied, Warner Pacific reserves the right to preclude students with past due balances from representing the university in public activities or events. Students experiencing legitimate extenuating circumstances relating to their finances are encouraged to meet with Student Accounts personnel for counseling.
Payment Plans
Balances remaining after charges minus all financial aid, third party payments, and personal payments require a payment plan. Traditional Semester Student Payment Plans are computed for the academic year ending in April (typically nine months, maximum of 12 months). A pre-authorized plan is available to automatically deduct a monthly payment from a debit or credit card. A non-refundable enrollment fee equal to 5% of the amount financed will be charged to the student account and included in the payments upon plan approval. The university also offers plans through monthly student payroll deductions or with only two payments per semester (half due on the due date each semester, with the remaining balance due about mid-way through the semester) without additional fees.
Refund Policy
If a student withdraws from all courses or is dismissed from the University, a prorated amount of tuition and fees, except housing-related fees, will be refunded based on calendar days attended. After 60 percent of the term has passed, no refund will be granted. Any refund may be reduced by the tuition deposit, room reservation deposit and meals consumed. Additional charges may arise from the terms and conditions of a residential lease.
Special Procedural Provisions
Federal Title IV student aid is disbursed to pay educational expenses while enrolled. When a student withdraws prior to the completion of 60 percent of the semester for which aid was awarded, a pro-rated portion of the aid must be returned to the federal government.
Federal regulations require a written institutional policy for the refund and repayment of federal aid received by students terminating enrollment for any reason during a semester for which payment has been received. Refund calculations to determine the refund percentage are performed using the Federal Title IV refund procedure as prescribed by the U.S. Department of Education.
The institution is responsible for the return of funds to appropriate federal sources based on the refund percentage identified. The student is responsible for repayment to the institution or the federal government for any balance owed created by the withdrawal.
Student Accounts
Charges to students for all tuition, fees, and housing are recorded in an individual account based on the student identification number assigned upon initial enrollment. Grants, scholarships, and loan payments are recorded as credits against those charges as they are received. The balance due, if any, shown on the student’s account statement must be paid in full by August 1 for the fall semester and December 15 for the spring semester, prior to moving into student housing, and upon receipt of subsequent monthly statements. Payments in excess of charges will be refunded to the student unless the student requests the funds be held on the account as pre-payment of future charges. All credit balances must be refunded to the student at the end of each academic year, regardless of student request. The student may apply the money to their student account for the next academic year charges by making a payment on their account.
If a student adds or drops courses, an official change of registration form must be submitted. Fees and charges are adjusted for adding and dropping courses within the allowed add/drop period at the full semester rate(s), with related adjustments in financial aid. Students considering a drop below full-time enrollment status are encouraged to discuss the financial impact of such a decision with Financial Aid personnel.
Upon registering for classes, students incur charges and are responsible for payments of these charges whether or not they attend. Warner Pacific University, a non-profit institution of higher learning, in establishing any student account, extends credit to students solely for the purpose of financing their education.
In order to provide students with maximum dependability and affordability, Warner Pacific University has chosen to partner with Slingshot to provide textbooks to all students. The partnership with Slingshot allows students to receive the correct books in time for the start of the academic year.
All traditional semester program students will automatically be enrolled in the Slingshot Digital/Rental program without additional costs. Students receive their books on-campus during the weekend before classes start each semester and are not required to purchase their course materials on their own. Information is provided on the Slingshot website for students to access books provided digitally. Students are required to return all rental books to the on-campus mailroom no later than the day after the course ends.
Students access their textbook information on the Slingshot website at Questions about your course materials or shipment information can be addressed by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930.
Students have the choice to opt out of this program until the payment deadline for the semester by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930. Choosing to purchase course materials on your own does not reduce your tuition and fees.
Third Party Plans
The University participates in programs with third parties such as employers, government agencies, and embassies provided written documentation confirming enrollment in the third party’s reimbursement program is submitted to the Office of Student Accounts by the semester due date. All fees and charges not covered in the arrangement are the responsibility of the student and are due prior to the first day of classes. Delayed employer reimbursements may result in service charges to the student.
Unpaid Account Status
Full payment, or an approved payment arrangement, is required prior to moving into housing or attending classes. A student is placed on unpaid status if satisfactory payment arrangements are not made by the first day of the semester. Failure to contact the Office of Student Accounts may result in a voided registration. Unpaid balances, including those created or increased after initial clearance, may be subject to a 1.5% monthly service charge (18% annually).
Professional & Graduate Studies Payment Policies
Credit Cards Accepted
Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted online at and Discover, Visa and MasterCard are accepted for payments made by phone or in person.
Payment Plan Options
A student selects one Primary Payment Option. A Secondary Option is required if the Primary Option is not the Pay & Go Plan.
Pay and Go Plan
Payment course by course: If the Pay & Go Plan is the “Primary Option,” payment for courses are due in full by the first day each course starts. If the Pay & Go Plan is the “Secondary Option,” any outstanding charges not covered by the “Primary Option” are due by the first day the course starts.
Corporate Tuition Deferment Plan
Participation in this option requires that a copy of the company’s tuition reimbursement policy, on company letterhead, be on file and approved by the Office of Student Accounts. The portion of company reimbursed tuition and/or books are deferred 30 days from the last day of each course. The student is responsible to pay in full any amount not paid by the company by the 31st day after the course ends. The student is expected to notify the Office of Student Accounts of changes in employment status that affect payment.
Direct Bill Plan
Approved company tuition vouchers must be received two weeks prior to the start of each course. The student must pay tuition not covered by Direct Billing by the first day each course starts. One hundred percent (100%) must be paid directly to Warner Pacific University by the employer in order for this option to be considered a “Primary Option”.
Financial Aid Plan
Federal Grants and Stafford Loans are available for eligible students. One hundred percent (100%) of tuition is deferred with completed financial aid paperwork and a processed FAFSA on file. The student must pay tuition and fees not covered by financial aid on or before each payment due date in accordance with the terms under the Pay & Go Plan.
Changing Payment Plan Options
The Primary Payment Plan Option may be changed while attending the Warner Pacific University’s Professional and Graduate Studies program provided the student account is in good standing. In order to change plans, the student must contact the Office of Student Accounts and complete the appropriate financial agreement. All changes must be approved by Warner Pacific University.
Late Fees
Unpaid balances are subject to a 1.5% service charge each month the balance remains unpaid. To avoid late fees, payments must be made by the first day each course starts. This applies to any balance not covered by Financial Aid, Tuition Deferment, or a Direct Billing Plan.
Returned Payment Fees
All returned payments are assessed an additional $25 processing fee. If the account is delinquent when the check or credit card is returned, service charges plus a declined credit card or returned check fee will be charged to the student’s account. Warner Pacific University reserves the right to charge returned payment fees and service charges at any time.
Failure to Pay
Failure to complete payment of tuition and fees by the specified due date may result in administrative withdrawal from the program beginning with the student’s next scheduled course. Students administratively withdrawn from the University for financial reasons are responsible for paying their account in full before they may be re-admitted.
Requesting Financial Aid Excess Funds
If your financial aid award exceeds your cost of tuition, fees, and books, you may be eligible to receive excess funds. Check your student account three weeks after you begin classes in the term to see if funds have posted to your student account. If funds have posted to your account, Student Financial Services will audit your account and automatically refund excess funds within 14 days of the funds being posted. Refunds will be directly deposited to your bank account (look for an email from a few days after your financial aid has been posted to set up your direct deposit information), or a check will be mailed to the address on record. Please allow the full 14 days for processing before calling to check the status of your refund. Typically, excess funds are refunded at the end of the first course of each semester the student attends.
PLEASE NOTE: All refunds are an estimated amount. Changes to the cost of books, withdrawing, dropping, or adding classes after you have received your excess funds may create a balance due to Warner Pacific University.
How to change your address or bank account on
How to set up direct deposit on
Withdrawing from a course may result in a student owed balance payable to Warner Pacific University. Please refer to the Attendance Policy in the Professional and Graduate Studies section of the University Catalog and in the course syllabus.
Note: Withdrawing from a course or changing the academic calendar may reduce or eliminate a financial aid award. Please consult with an Academic Advisor and Financial Aid Counselor prior to withdrawing from courses. Failure to return textbooks received for a dropped course will result in additional charges to the students WP account. Returning the textbook may be possible after the drop depending on the timing of the drop and the condition of the book.
Textbook Policy
In order to provide Professional & Graduate Studies (PGS) students with maximum dependability and affordable choices, WPU has chosen to partner with Slingshot. The partnership with Slingshot allows students to receive the correct books, on time, automatically.
Students in the PGS programs are automatically shipped their course materials about 2 weeks before each course starts as part of the Slingshot Digital/Rental program without additional cost.
Students access their textbook information on the Slingshot website at Information is provided on the Slingshot website for students to access books provided digitally. Students are required to return all physical rental books to Slingshot using the label provided no later than 1 week after the course ends. Failure to return books will result in additional charges to the student’s WP account for the purchase price of the materials. Questions about your course materials or shipment information can be addressed by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930.
Students have the choice to opt out of this program until the payment deadline for the semester by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930. Choosing to purchase course materials on your own does not reduce your tuition and fees.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding buying and renting books may be found on the Slingshot website. To receive books in a timely fashion, students should be registered for classes three weeks before the course start. Books and materials are shipped about two weeks before each course start date and are delivered approximately one week before each course start date. In order to avoid book charges, students must return rental books and books for dropped classes as instructed. Direct questions to Slingshot at 1-888-392-2930 or